I thought I was going to have a few years off before revisiting the baby blanket marathon. But no - another call from that darling boy, I'm going to be a nannie again!! So exciting - but wow, these two kids of mine have got their work cut out for them for the next few years.
So the planning started again.... what to make, what to make. So many choices I must admit that I jumped from one idea to another - ooooo.... and I must admit to the fact that I jumped from one purchase to another. So much fun!
First up on the idea was some lovely hand dyed yarn from a local lady who operates under the name of Olive and Emma -
here. I purchased her lovely rainbow yarns and lots of grey - I had intentions of knitting a blanket with rainbow hearts, just like the hottie bottle cover shown
here. But then when I thought about it and remembered that these kids live in the tropics and this is beautiful merino - not the most intelligent idea of the month.
So onto the second idea - I found a beautiful crochet motif blanket in a magazine I sell in the shop. It is in a warm beige with bright coloured flower motifs sewn around the edges. Exquisite. And then I found some equally fantastic yarn in cotton and silk to make it. I was so geared for this wee one to be a girl that I hadn't really given much thought to what I would do if a wee man appeared on the scene. Plus I really really love the rug and could see it thrown over my couch. Sigh.... where to go from here?

Well I have certainly taken the long road of getting to the blanket I would actually make. I was sorting through some drawers and found some cotton yarn I had bought a year or so ago to make a blanket for my bed. I hadn't been happy with how the crochet squares had turned out so it had been put into the replanning drawer. Well here was the perfect use for it. I already have a ripple rug on the go - I saw it a while back on
Attic24 and had started one of my own. I just love rippling so I finally got to a place to start my own new ripple rug for the new family member. The photos below show just one weekend of rippling and I am super pleased with the results. I am sure that the colours are going to be fine for boy or girl - I will wait to complete the borders when I know more. Brown/Blue for a wee man and Pink/Green flowers for a little lady. Oh - I so hope it's a girl.... I can just see a mass of flower motifs being worked into a very special flowery border. But we shall wait and see - only a few months to go now.
So that's the story of the baby blankets. I do think this wee family will stay at two parents and two kids for a while and I can start making other bits and bobs for these two very special young peoples. I do love being the Nannie, even if it is from afar.