Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Whhhiiiiizzzzzzz .....

there went three weeks of my life.

It happens to me every year, part of the joy of being in retail at this time of year.  We had a very very busy season this year which is great and now I get to appreciate 'normal' time and get all of my 'normal things done.  This in a way is a great thing, otherwise I just might not realise how special my life can be.

I have been a wee crocheter in my spare time.  The baby blanket is coming along at a great pace - for a turtle that is.  I am a wee bit nervous of the colours, I have found out that I am going to be a nannie to another boy - which is a very exciting thing.  So now I am a wee bit concerned that this blanket is a bit 'girlie' compared to Rydah's technicolour one.  So as a backup I have started a hexagon blanket in bright cottons.  I am not too sure about this either but I just love the way that this one looks on this blog.  So there, procrastination has struck but I am sure that one of these blankets will be just right.

Then I have been making something for me.  I have always loved these stones on this blog.  So that was my Christmas treat, to sit and cover a stone.  I just loved it!  I have now made two and they look rather fine side by side.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Snacking Seagulls in the

I took these photos a wee while back but they just make me smile when I look at them.

We were out having coffee when this rather lovely seagull decided that the ground was just not up to his standard.  Cheeky thing happened on a plate which was still half full.  Not sure if this occurred because of a fussy human didn't find the meal up to standard or if the chef hadn't put the love into the meal when he/she cooked it.  But anyways the seagull was just totally impressed with the offerings on the plate.

Other folk sitting around were just horrified at the fellow but I think because I was making such a fuss of him there were too scared to chase him away.  I always loved Johnathon Livingstone Seagull - so this fellow became my Johnathon. and if he is a she then she will be my Harriet.  How do you tell if a seagull is a she or a he?  Fascinating question.